To all my brothers

Lord Jesus Christ let everyone who reads this sentence feel you and understand that you are love.

As you have experienced, Jesus Christ is love and love is a feeling. You can not capture Jesus with your mind you can not describe Him or reason Him. Your soul can become one with Him, your soul can feel Him and when your soul unites with Him every sickness you have is healed, you become perfect because He is perfect.

Matthew 10:25: Jesus Christ: "It is enough for students to be like their teachers, and servants like their masters. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul, how much more the members of his household!"

To my American brothers: Nobody wants to be watched. Please, stop watching me. I accept half the worth of my Harmony ball bearing invention. If the worth is $10 million I accept $ 5 million. There is no room for negotiation. Bear in mind that I am 57 years old. I started from scratch more than once. I have been negotiating with you for more than 40 years, FBI and my mother know. (Year 2022).
USA is at crossroads. Perhaps it is, now, the most crucial time in US history. You will either have the Kingdom of God or hell. There is no other way, no middle road, no neutrality. Americans pray day and night: LORD our God, our all-powerful Father, Abba, please make the good guys(not heavy sinners) win. Amen.
Money: Give generously to the poor. Charis, we want to increase our money income, wealth, not reduce it: Proverbs 19:17: (NIV) Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. (NKJV) He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given.
. Time is money.

To my Russian brothers: Nobody wants to be watched. Please, stop watching me.

To my Chinese brothers: Nobody wants to be watched. Please, stop watching me.

To all my brothers: Nobody wants to be watched. Please, stop watching me and stop intervening in my personal affairs. Remove all bugs and cameras that are/were used for watching me. To those who accuse me ignore them, if they persist avoid them, if they still persist hit them.

To my Jewish brothers: I do not know why but I love you.
Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ the Pantocrator
Lord Jesus Christ you are God and Jewish, son of David. The Jewish do not believe in you that you are God. Therefore, every Jewish person who submits a request to you please fulfill it to prove that you are God, except if it is for a bad cause. Amen.
Please, read the New Testament which complements the Tanakh.

For those who want to become new Christians stand up and say while you cross your body with your right hand: I am baptized Christian in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Please, pray:
Our almighty, all powerful Father make all masons and all children of Satan to become your children now in the name of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ our all-powerful God please, do not permit a third war world.

03-28-2024: I intend to collect money to buy a building, church to preach our Lord Jesus Christ. Please, pray to find the money.

We all have our failures, our defeats what counts is not to loose our courage but to recover, stand up on our feet again and continue the good fight. Jesus Christ forgives all people for whatever sin they have committed. Please, pray Lord Jesus Christ release me from every evil energy, power and influence, break the bondages of Satan and set me free, continuously. Prayerpower is based on your love to God. Greater love to God greater prayerpower.
A husband tells his wife I love you but does not do what she tells him. Does he love his wife? Love to God means to do what God tells us. Great love is great faith to God. You are obsessed with how to have faith to God.
First of all. What is faith to God? Think of it, analyze it, define it. If you infinitely love God you are compelled to have infinite faith to God.

Our Lord Jesus Christ please, make all our leaders to be in repentance and your servants.

What should be your petitions? Give to others. Heal them, bless them, enrich them. It is said that when you ask God to give to other people money God gives you money.
The best prayer is the Lord's prayer: Our Father.
When you have been praying for more than 10 years the best prayer is: Lord Jesus Christ bless or Lord Jesus Christ bless me your servant.
Start your petitions with: Lord our God make me to forgive all my enemies because your Son Jesus Christ told us to forgive our enemies and you then forgive our sins.
Then ask God to give to other people. Then God gives you.
Suppose you have enemies you ask God to heal them, bless them, give them money and they receive.
As soon as they start fighting you they are fighting God.
By keeping the above and are in repentance you are successful in everything you do.
We are in a fight against Satan. Now Satan fights us and hurts us until we win. Jesus Christ Wins.
Einstein was a greater genius than me he developed the theory of relativity. Yet he did not destroy the world. A moral person helps humanity.

04-18-2024: Lord our God have mercy on everybody.

04-28-2024: Those who are generous with me may God be generous with them.

The inventions in question are invented by me, Charis Alexandrou, inspired by Jesus Christ. The owner of these inventions is Jesus Christ, Church of Christ, Charis Alexandrou, servant of Christ, the Prophet, the founder and only administrator of the above Church. Those who claim and/or argue that they are the inventors and/or owners Jesus Christ will remove them.

07-24-2024: It is not a matter of faith. It is a matter of who is right. I am right. God is righteous.

07-24-2024: When my economy goes well the world economy goes well.

Jesus Christ be with you all.

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