- Love is the root and the source and the mother of all and every good, because as a root it shoots infinite branches of virtue, as a source it gushes a lot of water.
Saint Chrysostom
- Duty helps us to do things right. Love inspires us to do them beautiful.
- To love is something. To be loved is something important. To love and be loved in return, is something important and great. To love where you are not loved is something divine.
- Do not worry, my children, God loves Greece and the Greeks.
Saint Paisios
- Leave all your concerns in God's hands. Whatever you want, ask as a child asks his father.
Elder Amfilohios Makris
- The true aim of our Christian life is the acquisition of the Holy Spirit of God.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov (19/7/1759-2/1/1833)
- We all wish "happiness" for example we say happy new year. But the wisdom of the people and experience says that there is no happy life. There are only happy moments in life. Happiness is not a station of life to which we arrive. It is the way in which we travel. There is not "something" that gives happiness but Someone. And only those are happy who are able to find Him and co-travel with Him.
- Take the Bible in your hands, read and know. Know and love. Love and serve. Serve and you will be HAPPY.
- In one case the man - says Homer - is happy of coming second. When first is his child.
- The more you love Jesus Christ, the more happy you will be and the less worried you will be.
Saint Porphyrios Bairaktaris (1906-1991)
- I do not believe in God but I miss Him.
Julia Barnes
- The life in Christ perfects and beautifies the soul and makes it an image of God. It sanctifies man and makes him like God.
Saint Nectarios of Pentapolis
- Sanctification is the dedication to the Holy God completely and continuously every moment, taking care and seeking the things God likes.
Saint Basil the Great (330-379)
- In the fight against lust: you give blood and take spirit.
- Einstein used to say: From yesterday learn. From today live. From tomorrow hope.
- Blessed is he who, not so much, knows something about God, but who has God inside him.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa (335-394)
- God is purity and apathy and alienation from all evil. And if these are inside you, certainly God exists within you.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa (335-394)
- God treats you as His children, because what child is not chastened by his father?
Hebrews 12:7
- God for those who deny His existence and ignore Him reserves a surprise. He is preparing an... ambush. He is waiting for them at the street corner, in the most critical turning of their lives to surprise them with His presence. To... shoot them with His love and embrace them.
Constantine Kourkoulas
- Silence is a great strengthener of the invisible war and a confident hope of winning.
- The poet Drosinis reminded: "To speak rarely the nightingale teaches you one month sings and eleven is silent".
- Do not take dreams into account. Take into account what Christ says in the Gospels and what the saints are saying.
Saint Paisios
- General Antipater during his last moments, he asked to be reconciled with a colleague, with whom deep hatred was separating them. That colleague refused, because he was hopelessly a resentful man. Then Antipater told his people:
If, eventually, he wants to come this way this man enter him immediately into my bunk, if I'm still alive, I will be pleased to see him. If I'm dead, he would be pleased to see me.
- It does not matter if you fall, but how fast you will get up.
- Beat the devil once and he will beat you ten. With patience and perseverance you will win.
Holy Fathers
- It is being said that one saint donated to a king a ring that had the ability to tighten and cause pain when the king took a wrong decision or made a bad thought or deed. Priceless indeed ring!...
Such a ring we have all of us. It is the control of our conscience. How foolish are those who stop its voice and disable this precious ring.
- There is no sweeter thing than to have in peace your conscience. You feel feathers inside, you fly.
Saint Paisios
- Christ and the spiritual life he experienced in the somewhat advanced age.
He was 63 years old when he was caught by the fascination of the Divine fishing. And began a new life ...
But then, a few years later, at the age of 70 he left for Heaven... Shortly before, he ordered to write up in his grave: "Here rests, a septuagenarian, who has lived only seven years".
- Money is useless to those who only have it, but very helpful to those who know how to handle it properly.
Holy Fathers
- The notorious for thefts and frauds property administrator of the tyrant of Syracuse, called Diogenes to demonstrate his new villa.
Diogenes disgusted in front of such wealth and opulence of the villa of the fraudster, he felt the need to spit. So he turned the cynic philosopher and spat in the face of the owner.
- I did not find, he said to him, in all this wealth and luxury around me, cheapest place to spit.
- We do not miss anything so much as time. Art is long, while our life is short. The end of our life is near keep awake people.
Saint Nilus the Ascetic
- Love the vigils. The vigils are very big thing. They open the sky. We talk to God.
Saint Porphyrios Bairaktaris (1906-1991)
- Leonardo Da Vinci when he painted the Last Supper, he strained to find the faces of his masterpiece. One day, as he watched the mass in a church, he saw a young chorister who was angelic, pure character.
-This is it, he said, this is the person of Christ. What's your name? he asked,
-Peter Bantinelli, replied the young man.
He wanted now to find the person of Judas. Ten years have passed by. Somewhere he met a man, right wreck of sin and corruption. His form was awful.
-This is just the face to represent Judas, Leonardo thought.
He asked his name.
-Peter Bantinelli, he replied.
Leonardo dazed. He was the same man!
- If you want to be great, do not seek to become great and then you will become great. Do not be afraid what decreases your value, if you are humbled.
Saint Chrysostom
- Without effort neither the General gets trophies, nor the captain reaches port, nor the farmer barn filled with crop.
Saint Chrysostom
- Anyone who examines with hardness foreign sins, will never get any forgiveness for his own sins.
Saint Seraphim of Sarov (19/7/1759-2/1/1833)
- The righteous first blames himself.
Proverbs 18:17 (Greek translation)
- Without confession it is not possible to get rid of the fallacy, because God gave to the confessor the grace of binding and loosing.
Saint Silouan the Athonite
- Not even a Saint, if he prays for the unrepentant, is heard by God.
Saint Mark the Ascetic
- The wise listen to the advice of others.
Proverbs 12:15
- When you do something good, do not expect return and you will be rewarded by God.
Saint Isaac the Syrian
- There is no salvation outside the Church.
Saint Cyprian of Carthage
- People should imitate monks and monks should imitate angels.
Saint John of Sinai
- There is nothing more powerful, nothing stronger than gentleness. This ensures lasting peace to our soul.
Saint Chrysostom
- Whoever has God with him, is the most potent of all.
Saint Chrysostom
- We have a Lord tame and benevolent, who does not ask us anything more than what we can endure.
Saint Chrysostom
- The true wisdom and true education is nothing else than faith and respect to God.
Saint Chrysostom
- It's completely impossible to find a marriage that is free of any resentment.
Saint Chrysostom
- God is against those who support heavy sinners such as gays and heavy sins such as abortions.
- Many people teach today that the blood of Jesus covers all sin, regardless of whether the sinner repents or not. This is Satan’s great lie.
Billy Graham
- Satan tries to convince people that sinning is OK.
- God gives His hardest battles to His strongest soldiers.
- Do not forget your promises to God.
- John 14:30: "I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no claim on me," Here Jesus Christ calls Satan ruler of this world. Satan tries to control the world. How? By controlling our leaders. If he controls our leaders he controls the world. Please, pray for our leaders for protection and guidance.
- Some of the following maxims are derived from my own experience:
- What you ask God to give to others He gives it to you.
- In your prayers God does not like to change others, He likes to change yourself.
- God sometimes is slow. He does not give you what you ask in your prayers right away. He waits, so you will appreciate what you will get. By waiting you acquire patience, temperance(self-restraint in one's behavior for example in eating and drinking) and form your character. He trains you to become indifferent, temperate, apathetic, tough, eventually to want only Him. Hebrews 6:12-15, James 5:11, Romans 5:3-5, Hebrews 12:11.
- God forgives faster than the State, courts of law and people forgive.
- The only one who can help you is Jesus Christ.
- An economist is as good as the money he has.
- The more power you have the more the trouble.
- When you have power many try to control you.
- Don't mess with the best. Cuz the best don't mess. Don't fool with the cool. Cuz the cool don't fool.
- I am a servant of Christ, thus I try not to sin. For example, I do not fornicate(having sex outside marriage). I must confess that I am not sinless but I try to be sinless.
- Pray: Lord Jesus guide us.
- Pray: Lord Jesus Christ make us to love you so much that we are set free. John 8:32
- God loves a saint more than 10,000 worlds with all their contents.
Saint Bartholomew
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